How To Raise A Digitally Responsible Child

The internet is a feature of the twenty-first century. Nowadays, anyone may get information instantly. It has also generated several employment opportunities. The farthest reaches of the globe are now connected to the internet. Therefore, it is very difficult for your child to remain ignorant about it. Even today’s kids can learn through various online resources that are available on the internet. However, it could also have drawbacks. Being a responsible online communicator is a key component of becoming a digital citizen. However, children should get instruction from families and teachers on how to use technology safely and effectively before they may achieve their digital citizenship. 

Terms And Conditions 

We all have seen it but never bothered to read it. Developing the habit of familiarizing yourself with each website’s policies is a significant step toward developing digital responsibility. 

Let Them Know The Reason 

Typically, it doesn’t work to just tell your kids what to do and what not to do. It’s crucial to explain to children why they shouldn’t use certain things on the internet before they reach an appropriate age. 

Good behavior 

On the internet, a lot of people use rude and offensive language. They never stop attempting to undermine others. People’s mental health is impacted by it. As a result, you should educate your kids to practice polite communication both online and offline. 

Online Protection 

Educating your child about online protection regularly is important. Take out some time to talk about data privacy on the internet. Motivate them to raise questions while defining digital responsibility for them. You can also teach them to create a strong password and never share it with anyone, not even with you. Additionally, caution children against sharing private information online, such as their birthdate, passport number, and bank account information, unless it is really necessary. 

Digital Literacy 

This competency entails the capacity to locate and assess accurate media-based information. Simply said, when your child is browsing online, they are required to recognize if they’re viewing accurate or misleading material. Talk to your child about the fake news and sites (websites ending with ‘.info’ or ‘’). 

Set Timing 

You all need to set time limits even though you all like using the internet. Setting limits on internet use during family activities like supper, vacation, etc. can help your family bonds grow stronger. It will also help your child to create a balance in life. 

Parental Monitor Application 

You can use parental monitor applications that can help you track your child’s online activities. It also allows you to know whether your child is abiding by the online safety rules or not. 

It is not just the responsibility of the parents but also of the school to raise a digitally responsible child. Teachers at Prime Scholars School have received specialized training in digital education, and they will guide your child in taking the best and safest use of the internet.

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